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5. Apple takes opposite enterprise approach to Dell
When Dell first became the PC giant that it is today, the company had a unique strategy: it brought its computers to the enterprise with the eventual goal of getting employees to buy its PCs in the home. The idea worked. Apple, on the other hand, has done the exact opposite. Unlike Dell, Apple first focused on consumers with its iPhone and iPad and eventually forced a mobile-device change in the world’s largest companies. It was a smart move.
6. Tablet needs
Around the world, the top companies realise a need for tablets. Not only do they provide an added level of mobility, but they’re usually secure. For that reason, Apple’s iPad is the obvious choice. Android-based tablets fall short due to poor software functionality and security concerns, and RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook is too consumer-focused for the average company. The iPad, however, has an ample number of apps and strong security, making it a top choice for the world’s largest companies.
7. Android falls short
In the smartphone space, it might seem odd that the consumer favorite, Android, wouldn’t also be the leader in the enterprise. However, it’s worth noting that Android is an even-more consumer-focused platform than iOS. Furthermore, the operating system suffers from serious security issues — including apps that have been laced with malware — which makes it a non-starter in the corporate world. Until Android becomes more secure, most companies will choose iOS over Google’s operating system.
8. Windows Phone 7 isn’t a consideration
Windows Phone 7, on the other hand, is an odd case. Unlike Android, it doesn’t suffer from as many security issues and since Microsoft is behind it the OS has enough enterprise features to make it passable to IT staff. The only issue is, Windows Phone 7 suffers from many functionality quirks and a poor update process that scares IT staff. Plus, the operating system has just 30,000 available applications, which most companies view as an issue. For now, iOS is still the best option for companies when compared to Windows Phone 7.
9. There are enterprise features available in iOS
All this talk of other operating systems fails to mention that in iOS 5, most companies will like what they see. The operating system features remote-device management, which is a key feature for IT staff, and supports remote wipe and lock. Plus, with all the enterprise-ready applications in the App Store, there’s no shortage of functionality for any big company’s employees.
10. Custom app development
Perhaps one of the best reasons for major companies to switch to the iPhone or iPad is the control they have over those devices. With the help of Apple’s software development kit, any company can create a custom application designed specifically for their employees to help make the devices even more useful. Even better, those applications don’t need to be shared in the App Store, which means they can feature proprietary information without fear of it leaking out to competitors. Custom app development is central to Apple’s appeal with big companies.