TechWeek Readers Want Jumpers For Christmas… And Tablets

Tablets and games consoles are in demand this year, but traditional gifts are still valued

2 min
christmas jumper gingerbread cocoa © RTimages Shutterstock

TechWeekEurope readers want tablets and games consoles more than anything else this Christmas according to our latest poll, but a fifth (19.9 percent) of you say you would rather have a good old-fashioned knitted jumper waiting underneath the Christmas tree than any tech toys.

ballmer santa hat christmas microsoft - IMAGE Beanstalk SEO

Tablets were the most popular answer, with 40.8 percent writing to Santa asking for one of the leading touchscreen device to play with.

The iPad Air was the most in demand, with 14.7 percent of respondents choosing Apple’s latest offering, followed by the Google Nexus 7 with 10.9 percent and Windows 8 tablets not too far behind with 8.9 percent. Other tablets accounted for 6.3 percent of the vote.

iPad leads tablets, PS4 takes consoles

The next generation of games consoles have made high profile debuts in the last few months, and 22.6 percent of you would rather have one than anything that could feasibly be used in the office. While the battle for supremacy will be decided in the months and years to come, TechWeek readers have given the PS4 the nod with 14.7 percent of the vote, ahead of the Xbox One, which secured 8.9 percent.

TWE Christmas poll

Desktops and laptops don’t appear to be too popular and those running Windows 8 even less so. While Macs are demanded by 7.1 percent of you, just 4.2 percent want a PC running the latest version of Microsoft’s operating system.

Still, it could be worse. Many mobile manufacturers believe smartwatches are the next big thing in tech, with the likes of Samsung, Sony and the Kickstarter-funded Pebble hoping to steal a march on the expected arrival of the Apple iWatch in 2014. However TechWeek readers are unimpressed by the ones currently on the market, and only 5.1 percent want one as a gift.

Whatever you end up receiving, we hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year.

The TechWeekEurope team

And while we are feeling Christmassy – try our festive quiz!

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