Quiz Of The Week: Sport Tech – Are You An IT Olympian?

London 2012 is just one week away, but what do you know about the role of technology in sport?

2 min
keyboard run sport © meikesen - Fotolia.com

In one week’s time, the world’s greatest athletes will descend upon London to participate in the world’s largest sporting festival, the Olympic Games.

For many it’s the culmination of years of dedication, training and self-sacrifice as the pursuit of a gold medal comes to an end.

However for the rest of us, London 2012 will involve sitting on our backsides either on the sofa or at the venues watching the action unfold.

Sport tech triumphs

With all the doom and gloom surrounding the event such as the expected travel chaos, the stress on our mobile networks and even staff skipping work to watch the event, we thought it would be an appropriate time to celebrate the long standing relationship between sport and technology.

Nearly every professional sport has at least some interaction with IT and without it, the Olympics simply wouldn’t happen. A huge operation will be carried out from the Technology Operation Centre during the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

Even the luddites in many sporting organisations are being converted after seeing the benefits of video and ball tracking technology in enforcing the laws of their game. If it had been available to the linesman during the 1966 World Cup Final, the age old debate between English and German fans about whether Geoff Hurst’s goal had crossed the line would have been settled immediately. After all, it was quite clearly over!

So see if your knowledge of sport matches up your proficiency in technology.

Take our quiz now!

And if you like that one, try some of our other quizzes.

What will be the biggest effect of the Olympics on your organisation?

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