Sony Mobile Confirms 400 Users’ Data Stolen

Sony partner gets hit, giving it another security headache

2 min

Sony Mobile has admitted that data relating to 400 of its customers has been stolen, but claimed it was a partner’s servers that were hacked.

The NullCrew hacking group claimed to have breached Sony systems earlier this week, posting 400 email addresses with encrypted passwords belonging to Sony Mobile customers.

“Sony, we are dearly disappointed in your security. This is just one of eight sony servers that we have control of,” NullCrew wrote.

Not again!

Sony said data on 400 of its mobile unit’s customers from China and Taiwan had been compromised, but on servers owned by a third-party vendor. It said no credit card information had been taken, even though NullCrew claimed the opposite.

The company does not know who attacked the servers, a spokesperson told Reuters. Sony has not offered comment to TechWeekEurope.

Last year, Sony was on the wrong end of a large number of attacks. The most significant saw data on nearly 80 million PlayStation Network users compromised.

NullCrew has claimed hits on various organisations over the past month. It took responsibility for a hit on the University of Cambridge, claiming it did so in support of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange. Administrator login details for the Cambridge University email system and usernames for several senior academic staff were posted online.

It later emerged that Cambridge’s chief rival, the University of Oxford, was compromised by hackers protesting against the UK’s decision to extradite Assange to Sweden, rather than allow him asylum in Ecuador.

NullCrew also claimed to have released 1200 email account details from Yale University last month.

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