The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has claimed that for the past two days, the pro-Russian armed forces stationed in Crimea have been disrupting the country’s mobile communications. As we wrote this story, we also found that Ukrainian news sites have been deface by pro-Russian hackers.
According to a report in RBK Ukraine, the “IP-telephonic” attack is being aimed at members of the parliament and the new leadership of the country, irrespective of their political allegiance.
At a briefing on Tuesday, SBU chief Valentin Nalivaychenko told the media that the phones belonging to the members of the Verkhovna Rada – the Ukrainian parliament – were being disrupted from Crimea, using illegally installed equipment.
Ukrtelecom previously reported that since 28 February, unidentified armed forces had captured several key telecommunications facilities in Crimea, and physically damaged some of the equipment. The company warned that this incident could cause service interruptions across the country.
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