Quiz Of The Week: IT Leaders’ Jobs
Our editor is moving on, so we have a look at the careers of some real tech leaders
TechWeek editor Peter Judge is moving on to pastures new. So we think now is a good time to see how much you know about the employment history of more significant tech luminaries.
Everyone has to start somewhere, and a lot of tech CEOs are happy to admit they started out delivering groceries or waiting tables. But there is one CEO out there who started at a licorice factory. To our way of thinking, every step in his career since then was a wrong move. Why would you ever leave a licorice factory?
Jobs for the boys and girls
There are other CEOs who have done stints as scuba instructors or manhole-cover designers, but all too many show an enviable focus. To put it another way, they get into the industry and stay there. For many people, tech is a draw, and there is a big demand for people with those skills.
We take the subject of IT employment seriously: there has been a tech skills crisis for as long as we can remember, and we’re always interested in new attempts to solve it, whether through education, apprenticeships, or plain encouragement.
But for this quiz, we’ve dug around, found some unexpected career paths, and put together a grab-bag of trivia that aims to amuse and possibly enlighten.
If the subject of jobs is of more practical interest to you at the moment, TechWeek does have a ‘Jobs’ section which could be of some help.
We hope that TechWeek has enlightened and informed you more often than it has confused you over the last five years. New editor Duncan MacRae is more than capable of continuing that work, ably supported by deputy Steve McCaskill and reporter Max Smolaks.
We wish Peter Judge all the best, and TechWeek will continue to report and discuss the significant developments in tech.
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