Microsoft Releases A Brace Of Raspberry Pi 3 Powered IoT Kits
The Redmond company continues with its foray into the Internet of Things arena
Microsoft has announced a second version of its Raspberry Pi Internet of Things (IoT) starter packs, which combines microcomputer hardware with a lightweight version of Windows 10.
Back in September 2015, Microsoft partnered with electronics supplier Adafruit to produce the Windows 10 IoT Core Starter Kit, which comprised of the Windows 10 Core operating system, the Raspberry Pi 2 and a suite of sensors, giving developers and enthusiasts all they need to get started with creating IoT devices, controllers and networks.
The new version come with the Raspberry Pi 3, a beefed up version of its predecessor with integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity, making it more flexible without the need for hardware add-ons.
WHITEPAPER: Windows 10, EMM, and the Future of PC Security
IoT in small packages
Microsoft also announced a new IoT starter kit crated by Seeed Studio. The Seeed Grove Starter Kit for IoT based on Raspberry Pi, is how its rather clunky name would suggest; an IoT package that can be used with the Raspberry Pi 3 and Raspberry Pi 2, and comes with the Grove connector, a module that offers common connectors for sensors in order to make it easier to connect them to a device platform without the need to worry about soldering electrical wires.
The package comes with Windows 10 Core, but also works with Microsoft’s Azure cloud platform.
“We’re excited about how these kits help enable everyone, from those with no experience to those who prototype for a living, to quickly get started making new devices with Windows 10 IoT Core, Azure IoT and the Raspberry Pi 3,” said Steve Teixeira, general manager at the Windows Partner Application Experience team.
The release of the two kits are indicative of Microsoft’s continued push into the IoT arena, with its aim to create platforms on which developers can build hardware and software products and services that tap into the growing appetite for IoT.
This can be seen with Microsoft’s partnership with General Electric to bring the Predix IoT platform onto the Azure cloud.