UK Operators Start iPhone 5C Pre-Orders

Operators reveal their tariffs for the “unashamedly plastic” iPhone 5C

3 min

Pre-orders for the iPhone 5C have started in the UK ahead of the smartphones release next week and all four major UK networks have revealed details of their price plans in an effort to snap up consumers and businesses tempted by the new, cheaper iPhone.

Vodafone is offering 4G price plans ranging from £42 a month for 2GB of data to £52 a month with 8GB of data. On the cheapest plan, the iPhone 5C costs £19 for the 16GB version and £129 for the 32GB, while the 16GB is free on the most expensive and the 32GB is £19.

All tariffs include unlimited texts and calls, while users who sign up before the end of October will receive 4GB extra data per month for the life of their contract. Additionally, anyone who pre-orders the iPhone 5C will receive a £20 bill credit.

iPhone 5C pre-orders

iPhone 5C (1)The handset is also available on 3G tariffs, but anyone who elects for a 4G plan will receive Sky Sports Mobile TV or Spotify Premium for 24 months on the two most expensive price plans or 6 months on the cheapest.

The iPhone 5C is available on the O2 Refresh tariff, which separates the cost of service from the handset. The 16GB model is available from £12 a month for 600 minutes, unlimited texts and 750MB of 4G data to £27 a month for 4GB of 4G data with unlimited texts and calls. The same tariffs apply to the 32GB model, but the cheapest service plan is £17 for 1GB of 4G data.

The cost of the phone depends on how much customers are willing to pay up front, but both the 16GB and 32GB version are available for £25 a month with no initial cost or £600 in one go. For other plans, the 32GB up-front cost is around £40 more. There are 3G tariffs available as well, but be warned, if you elect for a 4G plan, you will not be able to use the LTE service for a few weeks.

EE is also offering the 16GB iPhone 5C on 4G contracts, with the cheapest 24 month plan coming in at £26 per month for 500MB of data and unlimited texts and calls, with the handset costing £189.99. the most expensive is £51 a month, but EE recommends a £36 a month plan with 1.5GB of data and a handset cost of £69.99.

Twelve month contracts are much more expensive and if you want a 32GB handset, be prepared to stump up an extra £50-60 up front.

Finally, Three is offering the 16GB iPhone 5C for free with unlimited data and varying amounts of calls for £37, £39 or £41. The 32GB model is also free, but be prepared to pay an extra £5  a month. Three is the only UK operator not to have an active 4G network, but its LTE service will go live in December before expanding to at least 42 more cities in 2014 at no extra cost to customers.

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