Hacker Splashes Sex And The City Author’s Next Book Online

Candace Bushnell Sex and the City

Pages of Candace Bushnell’s Killing Monica novel thrown on Google Drive for all to see

A hacker calling himself Guccifer has breached online accounts of Sex and the City author Candace Bushnell to reveal a large portion of her latest book.

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Having already claimed the online scalps of George Bush and Colin Powell, Guccifer has now gone for Bushnell’s private regions, hacking the writer’s Earthlink email account and acquiring 37,000 words of the novel Killing Monica.

Another Twitter hacker

Those words, amounting to 50 pages of the book, were then posted online in a Google Drive account and advertised over Bushnell’s Twitter account, which had also been compromised.

“Here you can read my last book ‘killing monica’ first 50 pages; enjoy as long as you can!” one Twitter message reportedly read. The account has now been wrested back from Guccifer.

Guccifer caused further embarrassment by posting emails between the writer and her publisher about the breaches. In one message, she said: “Oh dear, this is terrible.”

The Google Drive account containing screenshots of the book and of email communications remains online.

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