Google Glass Receives First Software Update

The first software update for Google Glass has been issued that includes a number of new features

4 min

The Linux code was released on 27 April on the Google Glass kernel source Web page for now, but another Website will likely be established for the code, according to Google.

Google GlassThe release of the open-source code will certainly inspire lots of innovative uses for Glass, which so far doesn’t have a lot of apps that are available. In March, the first few third-party apps were demonstrated at the South by Southwest (SXSW) conference, where Google showed potential users some examples of what they can actually do with the innovative, eyewear-mounted computer that is Glass. Among the apps unveiled at the conference were a news app that delivered headlines and photos from The New York Times, an email app and a note-creation app for Evernote.

The basic components of Glass are an Android-powered display, a tiny Webcam, a GPS locator and an Internet connection node built into one side of a pair of glasses.

Early users have wasted no time trying out their new devices and reporting how they are working to the rest of us on posts on Google+, Twitter and other Websites.

The Glass project was unveiled officially for the first time to developers at last June’s Google I/O conference. Google Glass is not expected to be widely available to consumers until 2014, according to the company.

Earlier in April, Google’s investment arm, Google Ventures, launched a “Glass Collective” organisation to seek out and nurture startups that can add features and capabilities to the Glass project.

In March, it was reported that the head-mounted Glass devices would be assembled in Santa Clara, California, by well-known Taiwanese device builder Foxconn to showcase electronics manufacturing capabilities in the United States.

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Originally published on eWeek.

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