‘Do It Yourself’ IT Experts Threaten UK Businesses


UK businesses are at risk as employees use online software and cloud computing services to access company data

As the regulations around protection of corporate data continue to tighten, frustrated employees are increasingly taking on the roll of ‘do it yourself’ IT experts, employing online applications and cloud computing services in a bid to accelerate access to the data that they need to do their jobs.

According to a study conducted by Informatica, a provider of enterprise data integration software, 39 percent of sales and marketing professionals blame IT departments for these extreme measures, citing “a sluggish response” to their data requests.

“Business users now think it should take hours not weeks to implement new technologies,” said Mark Seager, vice president of technology for Informatica. “When they perceive IT to be behind the curve, they’re going off under their own steam and purchasing software without realising the implications this has on their company”.

IT drowned with information

A recent report by IDC found that the digital universe grew 62 percent in 2009, and continues to expand every year.

According to Informatica, the increasing use of online tools by employees means IT departments are drowning in data, and overwhelming pressure is being put on company infrastructures, leaving many UK businesses at risk.

If the problem is not addressed, there will be a confusion over data ownership. Important information will get overlooked and business opportunities to generate additional revenue will be missed, the company warns.

While the majority of IT managers believe their department should have full control over company databases, 56 percent of business users think the ownership should fall directly with employees.

Conflicting voices over data ownership

According to Informatica, these conflicts have resulted in a fragmentation of company information and affected the way businesses prioritise data management. Seventy-six percent of business users value accuracy, while 57 percent of IT managers believe speedy access to data is more crucial.

To remain competitive and secure additional revenue in 2011, organisations need to overcome these differences, said Informatica.

“In order to effectively bridge this gulf, a process of education is required, to ensure that all members of an organisation are working to the same priorities when it comes to managing such a valuable business asset,” said Seager. “The rise of new models such as cloud computing will create a headache for IT departments if they are not integrated in an overall IT strategy.”

this is not addressed, then as businesses plan for 2011 the tug of war
over who owns what will see business-critical information overlooked
and opportunities to generate additional revenue missed.