More customers will embrace Software as a Service (SaaS) and hosted business process (BPaaS) offerings over the next twelve months, according to analyst firm TechMarketView. The analyst said cloud-related technology has matured and will reach more customers in 2013.
Cloud demands new services
Research director John O’Brien explained that these trends are largely driven by the cloud which will demand that suppliers respond with “new services, partnerships and contracting models to meet client expectations for increased delivery flexibility, cost transparency, and elasticity of consumption.”
While suppliers are now delivering such propositions to market, he warned that those further behind could well have left it too late. He then cautioned that questions remain as to how suppliers will make these new models profitable. “2013 will be the test-bed for this and determine which models and suppliers are likely to succeed or fail,” O’Brien said.
This article first appeared on ChnannelBiz UK. Read the full story here