Chinese Government Renews Google’s Licence

China has renewed Google’s content provider licence, after the search giant bowed to pressure and stopped providing a route round censorship

The Chinese Government has renewed Google’s licence to deliver content in the country, ending a long-running argument which started with a cyber-attack which Google said originated from within China.

Google’s Internet Content Provider License has been renewed by the mainland Chinese government, reported the search-engine giant, two days after Beijing officials reported that the application was under review but with no firm deadline for approval. The relationship between Beijing and Google has been rocky in recent months, following a March cyber-attack that the company insisted originated from mainland China.

Is Google friends with China now?

“We are very pleased that the government has renewed our ICP license and we look forward to continuing to provide web search and local products to our users in China,” David Drummond, Google’s senior vice president of corporate development and chief legal officer, wrote in a July 9 update on the Official Google Blog.

On 28 June 28, Google had announced that it would no longer help Chinese users sidestep China’s restrictions on Web content, ceasing the redirect it had set up which took visitors form its Chinese site, to its Hong Kong based site,

Officials in Beijing, however, had been quick to indicate their displeasure with this redirect, which Google put in place in March, following a hack of its Gmail system during December 2009.

“The threat originally disclosed by Google on 12 Jan, 2010, has frequently been associated with state-endorsed attack and many vendors have explained the operation using a military vernacular,” said a report from security researchers Damballa. Reports said it originated in Chinese colleges, and apparently was aimed at Chinese dissidents.

While China’s 400 million Web users constitute a huge market for Google’s products, its government’s attempts at censorship have led the company to engage in some very public soul-searching. That already-fraught relationship became even more brittle after hackers supposedly within China targeted the IT infrastructure of Google and some 20 other companies. Targets included Gmail accounts of Chinese dissidents; an enraged Google initially threatened to stop censoring results on, before compromising with the reroute.

Searches on are likely still affected by China’s keyword filtering. “Even if a user in China uses search queries that are not filtered by China and retrieves results from Google’s .hk version, they will still be affected by China’s filtering if they click on the link and try and view those results directly,” censorship expert Nart Villeneuve wrote in a March posting on his blog. “Users in China will be affected by China’s filtering, not Google’s. The difference is in the user’s experience—instead of retrieving results and carrying on as if censorship did not exist, the user now experiences censorship firsthand.”

While Beijing’s approval of Google’s license suggests a bit of a thaw between the two, the future likely holds more twists and turns in their relationship.
