CA World: CA Partners With SAP To Launch Mobile Management Tools

CA MDM is the first in a series of tools that “make BYOD easy”

3 min

CA Technologies has announced a partnership with SAP to deliver a complete Mobile Device Management (MDM) software suite, at the CA World conference in Las Vegas on Monday.

The new suite will feature SAP’s well-established Afaria software, as well as updates to several of CA’s existing solutions. When combined with upcoming products from CA, it will allow customers not only to manage mobile devices, but also mobile applications, content and services.

CA claims that its MDM can take a device from “un-managed” to “managed” in around 90 seconds.

“We make BYOD easy”

According to Peter Griffiths, executive VP and leader of the Enterprise Solutions and Technology Group at CA, around 70 percent of patents filed in the US today are in some way related to mobile platforms, and by next year, more people will access the Internet using mobile devices than PCs.

8672423630_30eba0f4b7_zTo take advantage of this technological explosion, CA is releasing its MDM software suite which can be delivered as either Software-as-a-Service or on-premise.

CA MDM enables finely-tuned BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) policies, automated device configuration, near real-time control and even an Enterprise App Store platform that looks and feels just like the consumer App Stores we are used to.

As part of its “mobilisation” efforts, CA has also translated some of its existing applications into mobile formats, including IdentityMinder and Nimsoft Service Desk.

“Our customers are looking for us to provide essential technology solutions to take advantage of the mobile opportunity. After thoughtful evaluation, we have licensed the proven and market-leading SAP Afaria mobile device management solution to provide this capability to our customers and serve as a key component for us to build other solutions,” commented Ram Varadarajan, GM of New Business Innovation at CA Technologies.

Later this year, CA will launch CA Mobile Application Management (CA MAM) to embed security and control within the applications, CA Mobile Content Management (CA MCM) to enable secure access to the data hosed in the cloud, and CA Mobile Services Management (CA MSM) dedicated to mobile cloud services.

The company is also running several incubation projects focused on payments with mobile devices and mobile wallets.

“Customers want to connect with business in the way that’s most convenient to them – and today that method is through a mobile device,” said Giampaolo Franchi of Postecom (Gruppo Poste Italiane).

“It’s important for Poste Italiane to offer mobile options to our customers for a variety of services, but we need to do it securely. Our collaboration with CA Technologies to engage our customers on their mobile devices and protect online transactions is important for innovating and growing our business.”

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