Poll: What Web Browser Do You Use?

We all need a web browser, but which one do you use?

1 min
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Despite the prevalence of apps on smartphones, tablets, and increasingly on PC, most of us access online content via a web browser.

The space has arguably never been so competitive. Netscape was the dominant force in the 1990s before Microsoft’s Internet Explorer ruthlessly destroyed its rival and became an indispensable, but much-maligned, business tool.

Read More: Tales in Tech History: Netscape Navigator

browsersMozilla’s Firefox was for many years the main competition, but in the late 2000s, Google’s Chrome emerged as a serious contender, while Safari and Opera have their fans too. Microsoft has been forced to adapt, replacing Internet Explorer with Microsoft Edge in Windows 10.

But which browser are you using to read this right now?

Let us know below!

What web browser do you use?

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Quiz: What do you know about web browsers?
