BT has received yet more government funding from the Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) project as part of a £20 million deal to bring superfast broadband to 90 percent of Worcestershire across the next three years.
Superfast Worcestershire claims that 55,000 properties not included in the commercial deployment of fibre will be added to the BT Openreach network, bringing a range of benefits to local businesses and residents.
Worcestershire County Council has contributed £8.5 million and BT £8.9 million, with another £3.35 million coming from BDUK.
BDUK Worcestershire
Communications minister Ed Vaizey welcomed the development and claimed it will help achieve the government’s ambition of ensuring superfast broadband reaches 95 percent of the UK population by 2017 and 99 percent by 2018 – three years after its original target of ensuring the country has 90 percent coverage by 2015.
“This fantastic news marks the beginning of a remarkable transformation of broadband in Worcestershire and will result in at least 90 per cent of homes and businesses able to access superfast speeds,” he said.
“The UK already does more business online than any other European country, and widespread access to superfast broadband will provide a tremendous boost to the Worcestershire local economy.”
“This investment is vital to our county’s future economy, as increased broadband speeds will support and boost the competitiveness of our local businesses, keep skills and job prospects local and provide yet another reason for businesses to come to Worcestershire. I am delighted to be signing contracts today,” added Councillor Simon Geraghty, Worcestershire County Council’s deputy leader and cabinet member for economy, skills and infrastructure.
Earlier today, BT announced it had also agreed a £25 million BDUK deal with Oxfordshire County Council to bring superfast broadband to another 64,000 homes and businesses in the county.
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