Rethinking Mobile Security

Rethinking Mobile Security


For the enterprise, the top priority for mobile security is protecting corporate data. InformationWeek noted in the 2014 Mobile Security Survey that 72% of organizations are concerned about data loss. These concerns are especially pertinent in light of the rapid adoption of BYOD policies, and the formidable advances in mobile threats. Today, we are finding new samples of mobile malware every 20 minutes on enterprise networks. Many companies are not prepared to address these changes in the threat spectrum, and are rethinking what must be done about mobile security.   To date, many companies try to secure mobile devices by using device management to restrict or remove potentially risky functionality. However, these approaches impair, rather than enable, the company’s ability to deploy more sophisticated apps, and often create hardships on the user.   In this session, we discuss the changing threat landscape for mobile platforms, and how this drives a corresponding set of new requirements for security. Instead of being shackled to past principles and philosophies, learn about approaches to security that enable and extend (rather than restrict) access to mobile computing.   Speaker: Brian Tokuyoshi

For the enterprise, the top priority for mobile security is protecting corporate data. InformationWeek noted in the 2014 Mobile Security Survey that 72% of organizations are concerned about data loss. These concerns are especially pertinent in light of the rapid adoption of BYOD policies, and the formidable advances in mobile threats. Today, we are finding new samples of mobile malware every 20 minutes on enterprise networks. Many companies are not prepared to address these changes in the threat spectrum, and are rethinking what must be done about mobile security.
To date, many companies try to secure mobile devices by using device management to restrict or remove potentially risky functionality. However, these approaches impair, rather than enable, the company’s ability to deploy more sophisticated apps, and often create hardships on the user.
In this session, we discuss the changing threat landscape for mobile platforms, and how this drives a corresponding set of new requirements for security. Instead of being shackled to past principles and philosophies, learn about approaches to security that enable and extend (rather than restrict) access to mobile computing.
Speaker: Brian Tokuyoshi

show Summary