Kaspersky Lab discovers a new strain of Trojan targeting victims through 150 banks' web links and email attachments

Kaspersky Lab discovers a new strain of Trojan targeting victims through 150 banks' web links and email attachments
Facebook used to sell Zeus botnet console, showing cyber crooks are getting considerably more brazen
A few Zeus botnets reportedly remain active despite Microsoft closing down the bulk of them last month
A Verisign report on 2012 security threats picks MaaS and open-source Zeus kit issues as sandbox candidates
Modified version of Zeus malware targets online banking customers to capture bank and telephone data
Sophos warns that a piece of Facebook malware is continuing to spread through Facebook chat.
The founder of a multi million-pound internet crime site has been given a reduced sentence due to his 'youth'
The cyber-gang known as 'Avalanche' has been identified as responsible for the bulk of phishing attacks in the last six months of 2009