
HP Reported To Be Laying Off Palm Staff

HP, with its acquisition of Palm complete, has reportedly laid off a number of Palm employees

14 years ago

HP Completes Palm Acquisition

HP announced that its acquisition of Palm is now complete, and that the companies are looking forward to developing Palm’s…

14 years ago

Palm Plans Future Devices Despite HP Bid

A Palm developer reportedly says the company, despite being acquired by HP, is working on future mobile devices and a…

15 years ago

Palm WebOS Boss To Improve Google Android UX

Google has hired webOS user interface director Matias Duarte from Palm to improve the user experience for the Android operating…

15 years ago

CEO: HP To Put Palm WebOS On Printers

Chief excutive Mark Hurd promises Palm WebOS on printers during a financial call

15 years ago

Palm Purchase Could Propel HP Into UC

With the right partners, HP could turn a WebOS tablet into a compelling device customisable for unified communications, says Andrew…

15 years ago

HP’s Palm Purchase Could Threaten Chinese Phone Market

HP’s purchase of Palm has been called a “preemptive strike” against Chinese vendors, but for the iPhone and BlackBerry there…

15 years ago

HP’s Palm Purchase: I’m Not A Believer

Palm has no chance at all now. It will be owned by HP, one of the clumsiest companies in mobile…

15 years ago

Phone Maker Palm Seeks Buyers

The Palm Pre and Pixi are likable enough smartphones but it’s their platform, webOS, that’s Palm’s real carrot to dangle…

15 years ago

HTC Considers Its Own Mobile OS

Another day, another mobile operating system joins the party. HTC has said that it considering developing its own mobile operating…

15 years ago