US Justice Department pushes ahead with competition lawsuit against Google as some within the department battle for more time to strengthen their case

US Justice Department pushes ahead with competition lawsuit against Google as some within the department battle for more time to strengthen their case
Contract for the Web, backed by 150 organisations, seeks to protect the web from becoming a 'dystopia' dominated by misinformation and abuse
The browser conducts experiments as it looks for ways to stop irksome push notification requests from bombarding Firefox users
Back in 1989 a British scientist at a physics laboratory near Geneva invents the world wide web
The web inventor says the Cambridge Analytica scandal and the spread of divisiveness via social media show the 'optimism has cracked'
Adobe is retiring Flash, but will you lament or rejoice at its passing? Vote now!
Adobe Flash is set to die in 2020 as company turns its attention to developing next generation open web standards
The British web inventor urged more effective regulation of targeted political adverts drawing on vast stores of personal data
The two teenagers were arrested after DDoS giant vDOS was hacked and its internal records exposed last week
Yahoo CEO says she wants three more years to straighten out Yahoo. Nothing's impossible, but this is close to it
Meetings are also being held at Yahoo to discuss potential spin off of $30bn stake in Alibaba
The random numbers used by web cryptographic systems aren't random enough, say security researchers
Adblocking software such as Adblock Plus is witnessing a dramatic rise in users as the software shifts to mobile
Password Alert protects users from fake Google sites and removes need to re-enter Google password on other web pages
A working group finalises the HTTP/2 standard which aims to make web connections quicker and more secure
Google's Webmaster Academy has been expanded in order to help Webmasters improve their websites
The man who co-founded Mozilla Foundation over a decade ago finally gets into the driving seat
In its next 25 years, the Web will drive a redefinition of the relationship between citizens and society, Sir Nigel Shadbolt tells TechWeek
The printing press allowed our information age. Wayne Rash sees where Gutenberg started it
Shape Security launches with new security technology designed to stump hackers with a constantly moving target
A CERN project has recreated the first ever Web page in an effort to preserve history about the web's early days
The US Department of Homeland Security will look at private-sector companies in an effort to mitigate cyber-attacks
The inventor of the World Wide Web says sharing is caring
"Beginning Android" author Mark Murphy's Advanced Android for Busy Coders will provide you with all you need to know about a range of powerful Android systems.
Brian Sletten's 5-day Semantic Web Technologies Bootcamp provides a broad, example-driven and compelling vision of computing's future.
Google is testing ways to cut the latency in TCP connections that Web browsers make to request and retrieve data
The National Audit Office says the government has not measured the benefits of its web strategy
The Internet is as vital as food and air, and people cannot live without it, according to a report from Cisco
Web apps are not being developed with security in mind and security vendors seem to be the big offenders