
TikTok To Label AI-Generated Content From Other Platforms

AI-generated content such as video and images are going to be labelled by TikTok using the Content Credentials digital watermark

4 months ago

Open Letter Urges AI Deepfake Regulation

AI godfather and others sign open letter warning of risk to society from AI deepfakes, and urge more regulation

7 months ago

OpenAI Introduces AI Model That Turns Text Into Video

What is real? OpenAI's new AI model 'Sora' can “create realistic and imaginative scenes from text instructions”

7 months ago

Google DeepMind Trials Watermarks For AI Images

Google DeepMind develops tool to identify images generated by machines, as tech industry seeks safeguards for AI

1 year ago

AI Firms Agree Safeguards, Including Watermarks For AI Content

White House says AI firms including OpenAI, Google and others have agreed voluntary AI safeguards that includes use of watermarks

1 year ago