News VPN

Computer code on a screen with a skull representing a computer virus / malware attack.
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How to keep your computer and personal information safe and...

What is a computer virus? A computer virus is a type of malware that infects a computer system, mobile device, or other electronic device and can replicate itself to other systems. The most common types of viruses are boot sector viruses, file attachment viruses, and malicious code. Boot sector viruses infect the master boot record (MBR) of the hard drive and affect only operating systems that use MBR. File attachment viruses attach themselves to executable files and spread through removable media such as USB drives. Malicious code attacks random files or folders on your computer system and attempts to install a form of ransomware known as ransomware.

4 min
A hacker surrounded by data. Cyberattacks
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Beating the Barbarians: How to Protect Your Workers from Cyberattacks

The pandemic forced businesses to make radical changes to how they organised their workforces. A shift to mass remote working is bringing with it a renewed need to ensure robust and flexible digital security systems are in place when remote workers connect to what can be sensitive data.

3 min
Is Home Your Business’s New Threat Perimeter?

Is Home Your Business’s New Network Security Perimeter?

Post COVID-19 could see many businesses permanently using home-based working as the norm for their enterprises. With annual reports stating lax security protocols and behaviours are still the norms (nearly 40% of workers never change their passwords), Silicon UK asks how a home-based workforce can be secured.

11 min