Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has warned over the last ten years about the dangers of a global pandemic. Today he calls for complete US shutdown

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has warned over the last ten years about the dangers of a global pandemic. Today he calls for complete US shutdown
Seriously? American singer/songwriter Keri Hilson blames 5G networks for the start of Coronavirus pandemic around the world
We are hiring. Amazon is on a hiring spree for additional staff amid a surge of online orders, as the world battles the Coronavirus pandemic
Scale of the Coronavirus pandemic in the UK revealed as BT chief executive Philip Jansen is confirmed as infected with the virus
Top-level meeting among Trump administration officials over further actions against Huawei, has been postponed amid the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic
Alphabet's Google division has ordered all of its Northern American staff to work from home, if possible, until at least 10 April
Staff in Seattle and Silicon Valley to work from home, as Microsoft joins other companies trying to limit spread of coronavirus
As shares on Wall Street and global market continue to tumble, Facebook cancels its annual developer conference due to coronavirus concerns
British website of foreign-currency seller Travelex is still offline after being taken down following a cyber-attack earlier in the week
C3N cybercrime unit, along with the FBI and Avast, take down French botnet that infected 850,000 computers
MyDoom worm disabled Google 15 years ago and continues to take over more computers via infected emails, finds Palo Alto Networks
Eleven year old laptop containing six infamous viruses has been auctioned off for more than $1m as a piece of 'artwork'
Concern that chip production for next Apple iPhone may be impacted by virus infection at TSMC
Security researchers have added more than 115 million malware samples to their databases so far this year, with Windows viruses making a comeback
The hospital has been forced to shut down it IT network to seek out and destroy the virus
Test your mettle with our quiz and see how much you know about the cybersecurity world this year
Dr Web researchers find new malware that can spread itself and avoid detection on Windows systems
After anniversary of Chernobyl nuclear disaster, German nuclear plant admits widespread malware infection
Palo Alto Networks uncovers nasty ransomware buried in Transmission file sharing software for Macs - infected users will have their data encrypted today!
Google partners UNICEF in the global fight against the Zika virus, with mapping data and more
Security software firm Tripwire offers cybersecurity advice to keep individuals and online retailers safe from ransomware
App security firm Promon says Android security developers fail to keep up with the threat of mutating Android threats
In the week of the COP21 Climate Summit, UK data centre providers are under increasing pressure to regulate their energy consumption
Security firm Bitdefender shares its top five tips to protect your devices from the virus
Lenovo's pre-installed Superfish poses security threat if compromised
To mark Friday the 13th, we've put together ten of the most horrifying hacker stories from history.
‘Naked videos of Facebook friends’ installed Trojan on thousands of PCs
Kaspersky Lab discovers a new strain of Trojan targeting victims through 150 banks' web links and email attachments