video streaming

France Blocks ‘Ravenous’ Yahoo Dailymotion Deal

A French minister compared Yahoo to a ravenous predator wanting to devour a French startup

11 years ago

BitTorrent Live Streaming Protocol Launched

The peer-to-peer streaming platform could change live video as we know it

11 years ago

Intel Confirms Web TV Move

Watch out Netflix and Lovefilm as Intel confirms a virtual TV service to stream content to home TVs

12 years ago

Apple iPad Users Finally Get YouTube App

The long-awaited YouTube app for iPad users has finally arrived, four month after Apple dropped it from iOS6

12 years ago

Mozilla Firefox Adds H.264 Video For Android

Firefox for Android users can now enjoy HTML5 H.264 video playback thanks to an upgrade from Mozilla

12 years ago

FTC Backs Google Lawsuit Over Smartphone Patents

The US Federal Trade Commission is reportedly in favour of suing Google for allegedly blocking access to its smartphone and…

12 years ago

Google Halts Arrival Of Nexus Q Streaming Device

Google has indefinitely postponed the arrival of its media streaming device in order to “make it better”

12 years ago

Polycom Touts Video Streaming For iOS And Android Devices

Polycom has enhanced RealPresence platform to extend video streaming to Apple and Android devices

12 years ago

A Day In The Life Of Sussex Police Webcam Action

Sussex Police is offering a 24 hour live video streaming broadcast of its "bobbies on the beat"

13 years ago

Apple iPad Finally Gets Flash Video Workaround

Adobe has released a workaround that allows Flash-based video to be live-streamed to iOS devices

13 years ago

YouTube Launches Film Streaming Service

YouTube is now offering users the chance to stream up to 3,000 films to their computers

13 years ago

Juniper Unveils Media Flow Publisher For Online Video

The Media Flow Publisher application allows content providers to simultaneously deliver high-quality video content to various end-user devices

14 years ago