The graphics board includes two Vega graphics chips along with enough memory to carry out heavy-duty remote workloads for up to 32 concurrent virtual users

The graphics board includes two Vega graphics chips along with enough memory to carry out heavy-duty remote workloads for up to 32 concurrent virtual users
Intel has rolled out the first Xeon server processors that includes the Haswell architecture
VMware is to acquire Wanova, in a move that will provide it with advanced WAN-based VDI capabilities
Nvidia plans to accelerate cloud computing with VGX and GeForce GRID platforms
Oracle has updated its enterprise VDI controls, as well as its thin-client software system and desktop client
HP, LG and Fujitsu are among the partners for Citrix's system-on-chip, which enables high-definition thin client applications that run on power-over-Ethernet networks
Citrix and NATS are creating the largest cloud-based infrastructure in the UK transport sector
Citrix is focusing on the SMB market ahead of its Synergy conference, with a new version of VDI-in-a-Box
VMware chief Paul Maritz has opened VMworld 2011 with a reminder of Steve Jobs' vision of the world beyond the PC
Give users virtual desktops, and you can stop supporting their personal-use apps apps, says Cameron Sturdevant
Electronic waste is a problem that is not going to go away, but will the latest moves in IT actually make it worse, asks Peter Judge
The days of workloads running on a single, physical desktop are rapidly coming to an end, says Cameron Sturdevant
Despite software-as-a-service's potential to be the next wave of IT, it is still a client-server world
Virtual desktops will make traditional static desktops obsolete says Cameron Sturdevant. It's time for prevention, not cure
Users of Apple and Android devices can now use them to access virtualised Windows desktops
VMware View 4.5 is the company's first to feature both online and offline functionality
If you're planning to approach virtual desktops, here's how to check whether a given product delivers what you want
Managing Windows desktops and laptops has become a major challenge in the enterprise. Wanova’s Mirage simplifies the process, offering speed and simplicity
eG Innovations brings order to the chaos of virtual desktop infrastructure management and keeps administrators in “the know” with eG VDI Monitor
New technology enables once-powerful desktop systems to be repurposed to host virtual desktop systems running modern operating systems