More than four million households on Universal Credit could benefit after BT confirms at-cost social tariff for fibre broadband

More than four million households on Universal Credit could benefit after BT confirms at-cost social tariff for fibre broadband
Universal Credit: DWP battled with GDS, was overly ambitious with timelines and considered suing suppliers
Welfare policy changes have added a further four years to the troubled project's timetable
Underpayment and error figures were 'significantly' higher under the troubled benefit programme than for Jobseeker's Allowance
Both projects are among those ranked by the Major Projects Authority as in danger of failure
All public sector IT contracts will be limited to £100 million, will not be extended automatically
New government service to support a flagship reform is only supported by three employees
Reports of problems with Iain Duncan Smith's Universal Credit programme are over-hyped and out of date, says a spokesman
Despite damning assessments, Iain Duncan Smith says the flagship Universal Credit scheme is on track to meet its deadline and budget requirements
PAC claims at least £140 million of IT spend is set to be written off