
Tales In Tech History: The MainframeTales In Tech History: The Mainframe

Tales In Tech History: The Mainframe

The ultimate tech survivor? Big iron computers began life back in the early 1950s and are still in use today

8 years ago
Unisys Brings ‘Stealth’ Enterprise Security To AWS CloudUnisys Brings ‘Stealth’ Enterprise Security To AWS Cloud

Unisys Brings ‘Stealth’ Enterprise Security To AWS Cloud

Unisys Stealth delivers micro-segmentation on the Amazon Web Services Cloud for improved security and management, lower costs and faster results

9 years ago
Unisys Finally Retires CMOS Mainframe ProcessorsUnisys Finally Retires CMOS Mainframe Processors

Unisys Finally Retires CMOS Mainframe Processors

Older mainframes can be replaced with compatible models based on x86 chips

11 years ago
Unisys Introduces Forward Platform For Migration Off UnixUnisys Introduces Forward Platform For Migration Off Unix

Unisys Introduces Forward Platform For Migration Off Unix

Unisys' new Intel-based servers are intended to make it easier for businesses to shift critical workloads onto Windows- or Linux-based…

11 years ago
Intel, Unisys Collaborate On Secure x86 PlatformIntel, Unisys Collaborate On Secure x86 Platform

Intel, Unisys Collaborate On Secure x86 Platform

The platform will allow organisations to run Windows, Linux and Unix workloads on the same platform and to more easily…

12 years ago
Cloud Computing Remains Top Investment PriorityCloud Computing Remains Top Investment Priority

Cloud Computing Remains Top Investment Priority

Many businesses regard cloud computing as their top investment priority heading into the new year

13 years ago
Unisys Mainframes Add Support For iPad And AndroidUnisys Mainframes Add Support For iPad And Android

Unisys Mainframes Add Support For iPad And Android

Unisys has unveiled new mainframe systems that support iPads, as well Android and BlackBerry devices

14 years ago
Amazon EC2-Like Private Clouds From Nimbula DirectorAmazon EC2-Like Private Clouds From Nimbula Director

Amazon EC2-Like Private Clouds From Nimbula Director

Nimbula Director was one of several private cloud announcements at Gartner's Data Centre Conference

14 years ago
Report: Apple Clinches Enterprise Deal With UnisysReport: Apple Clinches Enterprise Deal With Unisys

Report: Apple Clinches Enterprise Deal With Unisys

Unisys will help Apple sell products such as the iPad and iPhone to large government and enterprise customers

14 years ago
Unisys ClearPath Mainframes Gain Home-Grown VirtualisationUnisys ClearPath Mainframes Gain Home-Grown Virtualisation

Unisys ClearPath Mainframes Gain Home-Grown Virtualisation

Unisys brings sPar virtualisation to its ClearPath mainframes that take advantage of speciality engines on the systems

14 years ago
Unisys Cloud Solutions To Access ClearPath MainframesUnisys Cloud Solutions To Access ClearPath Mainframes

Unisys Cloud Solutions To Access ClearPath Mainframes

Unisys is unveiling a managed cloud computing initiative, ClearPath Cloud Solutions, which will give businesses access to its ClearPath mainframes

15 years ago
Future Storage Might Be Just Solid State And TapeFuture Storage Might Be Just Solid State And Tape

Future Storage Might Be Just Solid State And Tape

Storage technology will change drastically, but the only way to become more efficient is to understand what you have, and…

15 years ago
Apple iPhone, Touch Gets Mainframe AppApple iPhone, Touch Gets Mainframe App

Apple iPhone, Touch Gets Mainframe App

Mainframe users are now able to use their heavyweight applications on one of the most unlikely of devices, namely the…

15 years ago