
These Ultrathin Chips Could Lead To Super-Efficient Computers

Ultra thin laptops of the future could become a lot thinner, after MIT breakthrough with chip construction

9 years ago

AMD Posts Mixed Results Amid ‘Difficult’ Conditions

AMD has admitted to operating in a “difficult market environment” as it posted another loss

12 years ago

Samsung Adds To Series 7 Ultrabook Range

Samsung has revealed two additions to its Series 7 range as it prepares for the upcoming CES show

12 years ago

Tablet Demand Forces Rapid Supply Chain Changes

The rising adoption of tablets is forcing many manufacturers to make rapid changes to their supply chain, NPD finds

12 years ago

Bendy Glass Promises Wraparound Ultra-thin Phones

Corning has offered a glimpse of smartphones and tablets of the future with its bendable Willow Glass

13 years ago

AMD Records Loss As ‘Trinity’ Chip Launch Nears

AMD has posted a sizeable quarterly loss as it readies to launch Trinity APUs for notebooks and ultrathins

13 years ago

CES 2012: Dell Unveils XPS 13 Ultrabook

Dell is the latest tech vendor to show off its ultrabook offering, a 13.3-inch machine dubbed XPS 13

13 years ago

Ultrabooks Reportedly Missing Sales Targets

Intel's ultrabook concept is not selling quite as well as first thought, according to media reports

13 years ago

Intel Targets High-End Mobility With Ultrabooks

Intel is right to push ultrabooks because it has been locked out of smartphones and tablets, says analyst

13 years ago

Dell Releases New Ultraportable Vostro V130

Dell has revealed its thin profile and lightweight V130 notebook, which features new Intel cooling technology

14 years ago

Intel Launching Low-Power Processors For Ultra-Thin Laptops

Intel is looking to boost the market for ultrathin consumer laptops with a new line of ultra low-voltage processors

15 years ago