Civil servants have been banned from using Facebook, but can still use Twitter and LinkedIn for work

Civil servants have been banned from using Facebook, but can still use Twitter and LinkedIn for work
A massive injection of funds - and users - had emboldened Twitter to address its poor business image
Microsoft and Twitter have renewed their real-time search partnership to integrate tweets in Bing
One in three companies block social media sites at work, because of fears of data breaches
Google is under fire from complaints after it started offering suggested user lists for Google+
The number of British adults using social networking sites has passed 50 percent for the first time
The government has U-turned on a proposed policy to black-out social networks during riots
Human rights organisations are opposing a suggested block on social networks during times of civil unrest
The prime minister's suggestion that social networks should be blocked during riots was just puff, says Sophie Curtis
Representatives from Facebook, Twitter and RIM will meet Theresa May on Thursday to discuss the recent riots
Google+ is a hot commodity, chomping user engagement from Facebook and Twitter, says Bloomberg/YouGov
After another night of looting in London, a Twitter campaigner has mobilised volunteers for the clean up
The RIM messenger service, popular with teenagers, helped spread the word about looting across London
Storm, from Twitter's BackData, will provide new ways of reputation tracking in realtime - and more
The Met took to Twitter to warn off would be hackers as the US government reported on hacktivists
The ICO says public authorities with Twitter accounts must respond to tweeted FoI requests
Google+ has overtaken Facebook, but LinkedIn still rules business social circles. Next: What's your top IT issue?
Research has found British businesses are getting to grips with online matters
The Secret Service is looking for the hackers who used a Fox News Twitter Account for the Obama death Tweet
PayPal's UK Twitter feed is back to normal after a disgruntled user peppered it with insults
Google Realtime Search has been suspended, amid reports of an expired deal with Twitter
BBC executives are reportedly considering a ban on stars tweeting to disclose forthcoming programme details
An Essex-based security firm is offering to post fake updates on Facebook and Twitter while clients are on holiday
Businesses could learn a lot from universities when it comes to using social-media to engage with audiences
Disgruntled customers are turning to Twitter to voice complaints that can damage brand reputations
A juror in a major drugs trial has been jailed after contacting one of the defendants on Facebook
The MoD has begun a video campaign warning of the dangers of social networking sites such as Twitter
Users could use Facebook or Twitter to access government services in the future, according to the Cabinet Office
Twitter users could face prosecution for breaking privacy injunctions, Attorney General Dominic Grieve has warned