PIPCU starts to “come down hard” on proxies that offer access to websites blocked in the UK, such as The Pirate Bay

PIPCU starts to “come down hard” on proxies that offer access to websites blocked in the UK, such as The Pirate Bay
Polish domain name registrar complies with the takedown request, then changes its mind
The ‘torrent’ scope will be included in Ubuntu by default, currently relies on the Pirate Bay
BeeMP3, FilesTube and TorrentHound join the likes of the Pirate Bay on the copyright holders’ blacklist
Site founder Gary Fung says he’ll be back, but the case establishes that a Torrent index infringes copyright
MPA wins court order to block Movie 2K and Download4All
Anonymous swears revenge, DDoS’es three government websites
Russian developers of torrent blocker receive £62,000 in funding from Microsoft