News threat perimeter

Katia Gonzalez, Head of Fraud Prevention and Security at BICS

Silicon UK In Focus Podcast: How to Combat Cloud Fraud

While telco fraud is currently a prominent news story, there’s a little less chatter on the emerging threat of cloud fraud against enterprises. Learn what current challenges face your business with cloud fraud. Discover techniques to protect your business against cloud fraud.

2 min
Silicon UK In Focus Podcast

Silicon In Focus Podcast: Open Source, Open Security?

As security continues to be a significant issue as businesses innovate, today’s podcast considers the factors impacting the secure use of open source and how businesses can be more proactive with security as they create new applications.

1 min
Managing Risk: Cloud Security Today

Managing Risk: Cloud Security Today

As the cloud continues to be a core component of every business’s tech stack, are enterprises ensuring these deployments are secure from potential cyberattacks? How should companies build next-generation cloud security?

11 min
The State of Quantum Security

The State of Quantum Security

No longer a technology on the distant horizon, quantum computing brings with it security challenges that all enterprises must pay close attention to. So, what does this mean for digital security in an age of quantum computing capability?

12 min
Silicon UK In Focus Podcast

Silicon UK In Focus Podcast: Digital Security for Remote Workforces

Learn how businesses can develop robust security for their remote workforces. Also, businesses are re-drawing their digital transformation roadmaps to include IoT, 5G, and Edge Computing, are burgeoning technologies that will touch every enterprise. Discover how security connects to these development strategies?

1 min
Connor Morley, Senior Threat Hunter, F-Secure.

Silicon UK In Focus Podcast: Threat Hunters

Staying one step ahead of cyber attackers takes a special kind of mindset. You need to think like an attacker to anticipate their next move, have razor-sharp analytical skills and thrive on the unpredictability of spotting anything in the customer’s infrastructure that looks unusual.

1 min
Is Home Your Business’s New Threat Perimeter?

Is Home Your Business’s New Network Security Perimeter?

Post COVID-19 could see many businesses permanently using home-based working as the norm for their enterprises. With annual reports stating lax security protocols and behaviours are still the norms (nearly 40% of workers never change their passwords), Silicon UK asks how a home-based workforce can be secured.

11 min
How to identify and defend your business’s threat perimeter

Where is Your Threat Perimeter?

As business transform into agile organizations, the traditional perimeters a company could defend against attack have expanded and become less well-defined. In an age where mobile devices, the cloud and the burgeoning IoT revolution, how does security need to change to protect businesses in this new world of fluid data?

15 min