Almost a third of global organisations are attacked by DDoS more than once a year, suggests research by British Telecom
Almost a third of global organisations are attacked by DDoS more than once a year, suggests research by British Telecom
Six Degrees Group claims people put their trust in managed data service providers
Companies are increasingly concerned they will not get better at defending against sophisticated attacks
Small and medium sized businesses need to improve their digital strategies warns IBM survey
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Big data developers are concerned that government agencies are tracking their data, a survey reveals
Small businesses are selecting Facebook and Twitter for their digital marketing, according to a new study
The majority of developers do not implement any security development procedure when designing apps
Workers are urging their sometimes reluctant bosses to deliver enterprise social solutions, a new study says
Brazil, China and India are ready for “Smart Cities”, while the UK is treating the new technology with suspicion
Looking for a rock-solid machine to run Windows? Then head to your nearest Apple Store
A survey has found ongoing consumer unhappiness, distrust and impatience with online passwords
Mobile World Congress is the world's leading mobile phone showcase. You could win a ticket to MWC from TechWeekEurope!
Our survey will reveal Europe's IT buying process - and give one lucky winner an AR Drone helicopter
A new survey has revealed that BYOD users have privacy concerns over the snooping habits of their bosses
Small businesses continue to adopt social networking platforms, with Google+ proving surprisingly popular
“Active choice” is a favourite with parents, but a very vocal minority disagrees
One in four UK computer users have installed unlicensed software, says BSA
Managing servers and troubleshooting duties are the top two time consuming duties for IT departments
The British feel safer online, but don’t protect private information, says research by Ofcom
Execs want the cloud to get round the IT department - even though they know it's wrong
A survey has found Google is still the most popular search engine, but users say they don't want their online behaviour tracked
Low total cost of ownership and fast deployment time are shown to be key benefits of Cloud adoption for smaller businesses
BYOD is problematic, and social media is frowned upon in today's businesses, symantec told TechWeekEurope
More than half of the companies surveyed said they will be hiring information security staff this year
Shoppers are willing to sacrifice their privacy in order to ensure a better shopping experience, an IBM survey has revealed
Organisations are put off by the time and effort needed for Green IT measures, a survey finds
Information security managers and compliance specialists take conflicting views on cloud security
Only banks and building societies can take any encouragement from a survey of the British public's trust
Smartphones have sunk their claws deep into the British population according to Ofcom