BlackBerry CEO calls Canadian police deal an "old story" and says it is right to comply with legal government requests
Europe approves new system to gather data on all aeroplane passengers travelling to and from the EU
European data protection watchdog group says new agreement does not provide enough reassurance over US spying
The new data sharing agreement between Europe and the US may not be adequate, leak suggests
Obama refuses to enter debate surrounding controversial draft bill, that will require tech firms to help crack encryption
The "third party" to help FBI crack the San Bernardino iPhone is reportedly Israeli forensic specialist Cellebrite
For when you absolutely, positively, don't want the NSA snooping on your communications
The Investigatory Powers bill is being rushed through in spite of significant concerns, according to critics
'Privacy Shield' protects EU citizens' personal data from misuse by US companies and intelligence services, according to the Commission
Apple boss Tim Cook defends his company's stance in TV interview and refuses to create a "dangerous" piece of software
The tentative agreement would reportedly allow UK authorities to gather data from US communications firms, and vice-versa
Uncertainty for businesses after European watchdog group takes time to examine new data sharing deal
EU happy with new Safe Harbour data sharing framework after US provides written assurances protecting against mass surveillance
Governments have access to more data on individuals than ever, and encryption is unlikely to alter the trend, finds Harvard
Nick Nguyen, VP of product, Mozilla, offers a super fast crash course in data security and privacy with Firefox
Do we believe them? GCHQ denies software it developed to encrypt VoIP calls has a backdoor
Europe plays hardball with America as the two side rush to agree new data transfer deal, before deadline
The NSA maintains its reformed telephone surveillance programme meets new legal standards
European Court of Human Rights says reading messages sent at work is permitted for employers
For sure, we will not weaken encryption by insisting tech firms share encrypted communications, says Holland
Pakistan's government has withdrawn an order for BlackBerry's encrypted messaging servers to be shut down
The controversial surveillance bill would put users' communications at risk from hackers, Apple has argued in a submission to Parliament
Education secretary proposes new reforms introduces new scheme to prevent ‘radicalisation’ online
The European Union has laid out its plan for the strict reform of personal data regulations across its 28 member…
TfL gets the lawyers involved to take down popular website where users could create parody London Underground signs
Proposed new surveillance bill is too broad and could allow GCHQ to access people's shopping history, warns campaigner
New data sharing agreement with United States can be suspended over privacy concerns, warns EU official
Expert warns Internet-connected toys can be hacked into and transformed into spying devices
The move is the biggest limitation of US surveillance powers since 2001
Darktrace's Dave Palmer tells us what organisations can do to avoid cyber-attacks