
OPEN: A Possible Replacement For The US SOPA/PIPA Laws

The Online Protection and Enforcement of Digital Trade (OPEN) Act is rising in popularity as an alternative to SOPA and…

13 years ago

GoDaddy Backs Down On SOPA But Loses Over 72,000 Domains

GoDaddy's desertion of the Stop Online Piracy Act caused a Reddit revolt to fail but the battle had already been…

13 years ago

Users Threaten Boycott As GoDaddy Announces Support For SOPA

Domain resellers and owners are boycotting registrar GoDaddy over its support for the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act

13 years ago

Itanium Users Focus Anger On Cynical Oracle

Users of Itanium servers, angry at Oracle’s decision to stop software development, are seeking alternatives

13 years ago

Oracle Angers Intel And HP By Ending Itanium Support

Oracle abandons Itanium, claiming Intel is losing interest in the high-end chip, a claim Intel strongly denies

13 years ago

Online Slacking Offends eWEEK Readers

Online time wasting topped our poll of painful office costs. Next, tell us which way your IT budget is going

14 years ago

Trusteer Warns Of Bogus Microsoft Support Calls

Scammers and fraudsters are phoning up computer users pretending to be Microsoft support staff

14 years ago

MWC: Android Gets Remote Helpdesk App

LogMeIn has added Android to its Rescue software, which already supports iPhone, iPad, BlackBerry, Symbian and Windows Mobile

14 years ago

HP Offers Real People To Support Virtual Servers

In HPs support package, customers get dedicated staff to help with their virtual servers

14 years ago

Oracle Support ‘Too Costly’, Say Customers

The majority of customers believe that Oracle's support charges are too costly, and many think it is only to get…

14 years ago