
Google Maps Adds Eco Friendly Routes

Eco option for cClimate change. Google Maps users will soon be able to compare the CO2 emissions of different available…

4 years ago

Google To Be Sued By Belgian Military

Images of military sites are not being blurred, but on the plus side users can check out Google's garage birthplace

6 years ago

Google Adds TARDIS Interior To StreetView

Fans of the Doctor can step into the 1960s police box outside the Earl’s Court station

11 years ago

Google Street View Now On Apple iPad And Mobiles

Good news for mobile users after Google makes Street View available to both Apple iOS 6 and Android

12 years ago

Google Maps Heads Underwater With Panoramic Images

Google Maps has begun offering non iOS 6 users spectacular underwater images of ocean reefs around the world

12 years ago

Google Street View Offers Up Arctic Images

Google Street View operatives have donned their wooly mitts and headed into the remote Canadian Arctic

12 years ago

Google Upgrades Maps But Deflects Apple Question

Gogole has upgraded Google Maps with a host of features including offline maps, but its future remains uncertain on Apple…

13 years ago

Microsoft Streetside Takes On Google In UK

Microsoft has revealed that its answer to Google's controversial StreetView is soon to arrive in the UK

14 years ago

US Senators Quiz Google On WiSpy Incident

Thirty-eight US states are investigating Google's WiFi data collection which was done with Street View cars

14 years ago

Google Adds SSL Encryption In Wake Of Wi-Fi Gaffe

Google has begun adding SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) encryption for its search engine, a direct response to the company's "accidental"…

15 years ago