TechWeekEurope chats to Pravin Paratey, CTO at Affectv, about the appeal of complex problems, wearable computing and his days as…
Level39 will offer Tech City startups a chance to disrupt the financial sector
Young companies offer an average wage of £36,344
The next generation search engine knows exactly what the video is talking about takes pictures of your credit cards, for totally legitimate purposes
Will invest into further development of Hybrid Cloud
Kickstarter UK will arrive soon, a tweet from the crowdfunding organisation reveals
Sailing in international waters may provide a way to assemble crack teams of multinational entrepreneurs without visa restriction problems
Mocality says it used a sting to catch Google spreading lies and undermining its business
Microsoft has responsed to user gripes about the use of the tile-centric Start screen in Windows 8
Startups will pitch to Wikipedia's Jimmy Wales for a shot at a cash investment in London later this year
Kaminario's entry-level K2 system can have 500GB of storage,and deliver 150,000 IOPS for £30,000