social engineering

Uber Responding After ‘Cybersecurity Incident’Uber Responding After ‘Cybersecurity Incident’

Uber Responding After ‘Cybersecurity Incident’

Ride hailing giant Uber confirms 'cybersecurity incident', amid report that 18 year old hacker accessed its network via social engineering

3 years ago
Hackers Compromise Twitter Accounts Of Major Public FiguresHackers Compromise Twitter Accounts Of Major Public Figures

Hackers Compromise Twitter Accounts Of Major Public Figures

Bitcoin scam sees Twitter accounts of Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, Bill Gates, as well as Barack Obama, Joe Biden and…

5 years ago
Nearly All Businesses Suffer Phishing Attacks – MimecastNearly All Businesses Suffer Phishing Attacks – Mimecast

Nearly All Businesses Suffer Phishing Attacks – Mimecast

Nearly all businesses have suffered some form of phishing attack during the past year, survey finds

6 years ago
Nearly All Cloud Breaches Down To Humans – Kaspersky LabNearly All Cloud Breaches Down To Humans – Kaspersky Lab

Nearly All Cloud Breaches Down To Humans – Kaspersky Lab

We pesky humans are responsible for 90 percent of cloud data breaches, with social engineering a major concern

6 years ago
Michigan Jail Hacker Sentenced To Seven Years In PrisonMichigan Jail Hacker Sentenced To Seven Years In Prison

Michigan Jail Hacker Sentenced To Seven Years In Prison

Hacker who tried to secure an early release for a friend will instead go to jail himself

7 years ago
Humans Remain Weak Link, But Ransomware Is Biggest Threat – VerizonHumans Remain Weak Link, But Ransomware Is Biggest Threat – Verizon

Humans Remain Weak Link, But Ransomware Is Biggest Threat – Verizon

Pesky humans still falling victim to social attacks, Verizon report finds, but ransomware has become the largest malware threat

7 years ago
Fake Meltdown & Spectre Websites Target Users With Fake PatchesFake Meltdown & Spectre Websites Target Users With Fake Patches

Fake Meltdown & Spectre Websites Target Users With Fake Patches

Meltdown and Spectre patch issues continue with scammers now getting in on the act

7 years ago
Ransomware & Humans Are Silicon Readers’ Biggest Cybersecurity ConcernsRansomware & Humans Are Silicon Readers’ Biggest Cybersecurity Concerns

Ransomware & Humans Are Silicon Readers’ Biggest Cybersecurity Concerns

Recent events mean ransomware is a hot topic among our readers as DDoS fears ease, but humans are still seen…

8 years ago
Phishing Attack Targets Saudi Arabia GovernmentPhishing Attack Targets Saudi Arabia Government

Phishing Attack Targets Saudi Arabia Government

It seems no organisation is safe from cyber criminals as Saudi Arabian government becomes the latest target

8 years ago
The Prophet McAfee: How 37m Sexual Deviants Handed World’s Data To Hackers On A PlateThe Prophet McAfee: How 37m Sexual Deviants Handed World’s Data To Hackers On A Plate

The Prophet McAfee: How 37m Sexual Deviants Handed World’s Data To Hackers On A Plate

Ashley Madison users are now prime targets for blackmail, warn security experts

10 years ago
How To Explain Social Engineering To A Five-Year-OldHow To Explain Social Engineering To A Five-Year-Old

How To Explain Social Engineering To A Five-Year-Old

The definitive definition of social engineering from the experts for the kids (and grown ups, too)

10 years ago
Six Arrested Over Japanese Porn Blackmail VirusSix Arrested Over Japanese Porn Blackmail Virus

Six Arrested Over Japanese Porn Blackmail Virus

Salarymen find new sources of income by running porn blackmail scam

13 years ago
Can Penetration Testing Take On Social Engineering?Can Penetration Testing Take On Social Engineering?

Can Penetration Testing Take On Social Engineering?

you need to test your organisation's security. But social engineering tests aer an ethical minefield, says Eric Doyle

13 years ago
NATO Admiral Hit By ‘Chinese’ Facebook AttackNATO Admiral Hit By ‘Chinese’ Facebook Attack

NATO Admiral Hit By ‘Chinese’ Facebook Attack

Information about friends, family and colleagues of NATO's most senior admniral were harvested by social engineering attack

13 years ago
PwnPlug Opens Back Door Into Corporate NetsPwnPlug Opens Back Door Into Corporate Nets

PwnPlug Opens Back Door Into Corporate Nets

A device that looks like a power supply can leave a network wide open to attacks

13 years ago

Employees’ Emails Stolen In US Chamber Of Commerce Breach

The Chinese government may have breached the US Chamber of Commerce and stolen Asian policy information

13 years ago

Large Enterprises Fail Social Engineering Tests

DefCon staged a social engineering test on 14 major companies which harvested information with ease

13 years ago

Check Point Points To Social Engineering Blind Spot

IT needs to become more aware of the dangers posed by social engineering, warns Check Point’s Terry Greer-King

14 years ago

No Room For Trust On The Social Internet

Hackers choose the path of least resistance and manipulating your colleagues is the simplest route to your data, warns Eric…

14 years ago

Mobile Phones – The Weakest Link In The Chain

Letting workers bring their own devices to the office allows malware to outpace the security measures available, says Eric Doyle

14 years ago

Hackers Use Social Tricks To Get Bank Passwords

Auditors at Trace Security used social engineering tactics to obtain sensitive information and infect systems

14 years ago

Social Engineering Tops Security Flaw Exploits

Social-engineering attacks are increasingly tricking unwary users into downloading malware applications

14 years ago