smart meter

Government Delays Smart Meter Rollout

Surprise, surprise. Government announces four year extension to the rollout of smart meters in the UK

5 years ago

Government’s Smart Meter Deadline Will Be Missed, Warns NAO

Troubled smart metre rollout in the UK unlikely to meet its 2020 deadline for installation in every home

6 years ago

Anglian Water Chooses Arqiva For Smart Meter Rollout

No more leaks? Smart metres to be deployed for water network, but only if you live Suffolk

8 years ago

The ‘Real IoT’ Will Shape The Energy Landscape Of The Future

Climote's Derek Roddy tells TechWeekEurope why smart energy usage could be one of the best use cases for the Internet…

10 years ago

Panasonic Kicks Off ‘Sustainable Town’

Fujisawa Sustainable Smart Town looks to spur on sustainable power generation, emissions reductions, smart metering and other green technologies

10 years ago

MPs Question Smart Meter Cost Savings

Smart meters could be out-of-date already and deliver only small cost savings, MPs warn

10 years ago

LTE Touted As Best Fit For Smart Grid Communications

LTE networks could offer the best solution to allow smart grids to communicate, claims a research firm

13 years ago

Government Stumps Up £4.6bn For Smart Grid

The government has revealed how much is willing to pay for the smart grid and associated data services

13 years ago

Smart Meter Penetration Set To Rise, Berg Finds

Rising energy costs and national rollouts are driving the uptake of smart meters into homes and businesses

13 years ago

BT Tests Low-Energy Broadband, Charts Progress

BT is testing an energy saving option for broadband lines as part of its ongoing green drive

14 years ago

Tackling The Smart Meter Data Avalanche

Utilities companies need to start thinking seriously about how to handle the influx of data from smart meters, says Teradata's…

14 years ago

BT’s SmartReach To Advise On Smart Meter Rollout

BT, Arqiva and Detica have formed the SmartReach consortium to speed up rollout of smart meters

14 years ago

North East England Set For Smart Grid Trial

A smart grid project is being proposed that could see 14,000 smart meters installed in homes and business across the…

14 years ago

Study: Smart Meters May Not Reduce Energy Use

Any energy-use reduction associated with smart metering depends heavily on social factors, say Oxford researchers

14 years ago

Ovum Slams Government’s ‘Hasty’ Smart Meter Rollout

Ofgem's prospectus on smart metering is not all it's cracked up to be, according to analyst firm Ovum

14 years ago

Greenwave: Smart Meters Need Smart Sockets

With increasing pressure to reduce carbon outputs, Tom Jowitt talks to a company that is using technology to help the…

14 years ago

Experts Warn Of High Cost Of Smart Meter Rollout

Consumer group Which? warns that the public shouldn’t foot the bill for tech that will save utilities money

14 years ago

It’s Time For Sun, Sea And… Smart Meters

Looking for a fantasy page-turner for the beach this summer? Try the government’s Smart Meter prospectus, says Andrew Donoghue

14 years ago

Government Accelerates Smart Meter Rollout

Chris Huhn has announced plans to speed up the distribution of smart meters in the UK, with the mandated rollout…

14 years ago

Europe To Get 100 Million Smart Meters By 2014

The UK, France and Spain will be the next countries to deploy meters in large numbers, according to analysts

14 years ago

2016 Smart Meter Target May Benefit BT Group

Moving the UK’s target ahead to 2016 could benefit a group of companies, including BT, bidding for the project

14 years ago

EC Attacks Wasteful Proprietary Technology

Governments across Europe can't afford to waste money on vendor lock-in, the EC believes

15 years ago

IBM Supplies Database Tech For EU Smart Grid

EU smart meters project uses Informix, but some critics question if consumers want the technology

15 years ago

Are Smart Meters A Dumb Idea?

The government's ID Card scheme failed because it wasn't thought through, says Andrew Donoghue. Smart meters could go the same…

15 years ago

Infosec 2010: Smart Meters Bring Security Risks

The government's plan to roll-out smart meters to every home in the UK by 2020 is putting pressure on utilities…

15 years ago

Where’s The Fun In Smart Meters?

Will smart meters give us control of the energy we use, asks Andrew Donoghue, or just drown us in so…

15 years ago

GE Experimenting With Smart Grids

A pilot programme employing WiMax 4G communications and GE smart meters has been demonstrated in Michigan

15 years ago