Smart Grid

Microsoft Goes Green With Agder Energi Smart Grid Project

Its cold in the Nordics, so Microsoft teams up with the locals to help electricity grid cope with demand

8 years ago

Smart Power Grid Combines Batteries, Fuel Cells… And Compost

Smart power networks will rely on local generation and distributed storage

10 years ago

EU Project Aims To Switch Data Centres Over To Car Batteries

The GreenDataNet project wants Europe's data centres to use second-hand car batteries to make the electric grid run more smartly

11 years ago

The Case For A UK Smart Grid

Britain is behind other nations when it comes to the smart grid, and that needs changing, says Rahoul Bhansali

12 years ago

Will 2013 See Smart Meters Fail?

Smart meters are supposed to roll out this year, but the programme looks ill-conceived and ill-prepared, says Peter Judge

12 years ago

Big Data + Big Batteries = Smart Grid?

The smart grid can't do much unless it has analytics and batteries, says Peter Judge

12 years ago

LTE Touted As Best Fit For Smart Grid Communications

LTE networks could offer the best solution to allow smart grids to communicate, claims a research firm

13 years ago

Smart Meters Offer Best Hope Of Cutting Energy Use

IT applied to home energy use just might bring down our emissions, says Pilgrim Beart of AlertMe

13 years ago

Smart Meters Get A Parliamentary Kicking

Savaged by Parliamentery committees and consumer watchdogs, the people behind the government's smart meter plan need to get work on…

13 years ago

Government Stumps Up £4.6bn For Smart Grid

The government has revealed how much is willing to pay for the smart grid and associated data services

13 years ago

US Electric Utilities Investing In Secure Smart Grids

Investment in cyber-security to protect smart grids will increase as utilities upgrade control systems

13 years ago

UK Smart Grid Security ‘Too Fragmented’: Study

A new study has urged the government to take a more joined-up approach to security smart grids

13 years ago

Will White Space Radio Be Green?

Smart Grids won't happen without cheap ubiquitous networking. White space technologies could deliver that, says Peter Judge

14 years ago

US Plans Investment In Building Secure Smart Grid

The White House announced a smart grid proposal, as a PwC report underscored threats facing utility firms

14 years ago

Neul Launches ‘Weightless’ White Space Network

Start-up Neul aims to create the 'Internet of everything' with low-cost signalling in left-over TV spectrum

14 years ago

Cyber-Threats Could Engulf National Infrastructures

Cyber-attacks are increasing but national infrastructures are ill-prepared to defend themselves. Urgent action, not endless planning, is required, argues Eric…

14 years ago

IBM, Cable & Wireless Kick Off UK Smart Energy Cloud

The data hub will gather information from smart meters across the country and distribute it to energy retailers

14 years ago

Engineers: Smart Meters Must Be Part Of Wider Plan

Smart meters will not provide the changes needed unless they are part of a smart grid, warns the IET

14 years ago

Electric Cars To Follow Mobile Roaming Model

'Intelligent mobility' will make electric cars viable by 2025, says Logica

14 years ago

North East England Set For Smart Grid Trial

A smart grid project is being proposed that could see 14,000 smart meters installed in homes and business across the…

14 years ago

Informix Database Updated For Performance

IBM has updated its Informix database with particular emphasis on improving the overall performance

14 years ago

Prince Charles Backs IBM’s ‘Start’ Green Summit

While Prince Charles makes a much-criticised train journey promoting green living, IBM is holding a summit on the future role…

14 years ago

Smart Meters Will Be Hacked, Warn Researchers

The actual meters are a weak point between home networks and smart grid infrastructure that will be exploited, experts warn

14 years ago

BT Backs Radio-Based UK Smart Meter Strategy

The telecoms giant and its partners believe radio rather than mobile is the best way to deploy smart meters to…

14 years ago

IBM Backing Grid Computing Cancer Project

IBM is supporting a programme that uses donated computing power of 1.5 million Web-connected PCs for research into diseases such…

15 years ago

Cisco Launches Smart Grid Router And Switch

Cisco Systems wants to bring intelligence and greater security to the networks used by utility companies

15 years ago

Green Expert Warns Energy Execs About Complacency

Smart grids could save our world, but the planet itself doesn't care – it has seen worse, says climate change…

15 years ago

Utilities Blamed For Stalling Smart Grid Roll-outs

Large energy companies are worried about handing over too much information to customers via smart grid and meter projects, experts…

15 years ago

HP Admits Smart Grid Security Is An ‘Afterthought’

Rapid roll out of smart grids in the US is jeopardising security, but deployments in Europe and elsewhere have been…

15 years ago

Infosec 2010: Smart Meters Bring Security Risks

The government's plan to roll-out smart meters to every home in the UK by 2020 is putting pressure on utilities…

15 years ago