US researchers embed malware into DNA, in order to hack DNA sequencing software. But it won't be a threat for a while to come
News security
Dropbox Allows Two Factor Authentication Via Mobile
Don't have a mobile signal? You can now still access your Dropbox securely
Poll: What Is Your Biggest Cybersecurity Concern?
Cybersecurity is never far from the IT conversation, but what do you fear the most?
TalkTalk Is Fined £100,000 For Data Protection Act Breach
ICO says TalkTalk didn't do enough to stop criminals in Indian call centre from accessing huge amounts of customer data
Kaspersky Lab To Withdraw Microsoft Antitrust Complaint
Kaspersky antitrust complaint to be withdrawn after Microsoft agrees changes for Windows users
Movette Closed Down For Claiming To Be Google
Manchester company misrepresented itself as Google, and is closed down after official investigation
Tech Quiz: Privacy And Prying Eyes
Ever feel like someone's watching you? Take our privacy quiz!
The Evolution Of Identity: Problem Passwords And Burgeoning Biometrics
OPINION: Passwords are yesterday's technology, biometrics are the future, argues Experian's head of identity and fraud
Password Expert Regrets Complex Password Advice
William Burr says he basically got it wrong when it came to password advice
Silicon Readers Back Decision To Kill Adobe Flash
Adobe Flash support will end, but just how many of our readers think it should stick around - at least for now?
Patch Tuesday: Microsoft Tackles 48 Flaws, But Adobe Acrobat Dominates
Largish patch update from Microsoft, but administrators advised to tackle Adobe updates ASAP
Fired Google Engineer Clearly Knows Little About Women in Technology
ANALYSIS: A Google engineer’s assertion that women aren’t suited for tech jobs because of biological differences isn't just offensive, it's incorrect
Security Panel: Will Threat Of Fines For Poor Cybersecurity Have An Impact?
Experts give their views to news that 'essential infrastructure' operators could be fined if service is disrupted due to poor cybersecurity
Support Grows For A GPS Backup System Amidst Hacking Danger
South Korea and the US have signalled their support for a land-based radio navigation system as incidents of GPS disruption become more frequent
Businesses Face Fines If Cyberattack Causes ‘Essential’ Service Outage
'Essential' infrastructure operators could be fined £17 million or 4 percent of global turnover if they suffer an outage because of insufficient security
Experts Warn Of Rise In ‘Steganography’ Attacks Using Code Hidden In Dodgy Images
Researchers at Kaspersky Labs note rise in steganography techniques, which are difficult to detect, but claim protection will improve
Cisco’s Meraki Admits Losing Customer Data After Misconfiguration
An 'erroneous policy' put into place on Friday caused user-uploaded data to be erased from Meraki cloud-based communications systems and security cameras
‘Hero’ Brit WannaCry Cyber Researcher Arrested In US For Kronos Trojan
FBI arrests Marcus Hutchins, who successfully stalled the WannaCry ransomware attack in May
New UK Data Protection Bill Gives Brits More Power And Makes More Demands Of Business
Businesses could face huge fines or criminal charges as individuals are given opportunity to withdraw consent for data, under proposed laws
Tech Quiz: The Week In Review (4 August)
What do you know about the past seven days in tech?
Google Insists AI Better Than Humans For Extremist Content Takedown
Score one for the machine. Google admits its AI system is better at removing extremist content on YouTube
Magnitude Exploit Kit Hits South Korea Hard, Says Malwarebytes
The Magnitude Exploit Kit is being used to deliver the Cerber ransomware, as the attackers obfuscate the code
WannaCry Hackers Empty Bitcoin Wallet
It would appear that the cyber criminals cashed in their ransomware campaign
CableTap Vulnerabilities Detailed At DefCon Expose ISP Gateway Risks
Security researchers detailed a set of 26 different vulnerabilities that impact millions of wireless gateways set up by internet service providers
Tech Quiz: Adobe Systems
Adobe's creative platforms have become industry standards. But what do you know about the company?
Invisible Man Malware Targets Banking Services On Android Devices
The malware uses keyloggers to steal usernames and passwords
US Senate Looks To Impose IoT Security Standards With New Bill
Senate bill on IoT standards looks to secure connected devices
Hackers Hijack Cardiff Billboard To Display Offensive Images
US President Donald Trump depicted as a lizard was one of the more amusing images to be shown
SMBs Still Worryingly Under-Prepared To Face Ransomware Threat
Ransomware clearly needs to be taken seriously, but the majority of SMBs are not getting the message
Hackers Steal Data From Security Researcher
Hacker group 31337 Hackers says it is carrying out a broad campaign targeting the security analysts who help track down cyber-criminals