
Facebook Messenger Tests End-to-End EncryptionFacebook Messenger Tests End-to-End Encryption

Facebook Messenger Tests End-to-End Encryption

Playing catch up? Facebook tests encrypted "secret conversations" after last month's security scare concerning chats

9 years ago
Secret Social Network To Hit UK ShoresSecret Social Network To Hit UK Shores

Secret Social Network To Hit UK Shores

Privacy affectionados celebrate after 'Secret', the anonymous social network, prepares for UK launch

11 years ago
The Accidental Terrorist – Anonymous’ Stooges Stage AttacksThe Accidental Terrorist – Anonymous’ Stooges Stage Attacks

The Accidental Terrorist – Anonymous’ Stooges Stage Attacks

A poisoned Website is tricking innocent visitors into becoming an unwitting part of the Anonymous DDoS army

13 years ago
Secret Service Investigates Fake Obama Twitter PostSecret Service Investigates Fake Obama Twitter Post

Secret Service Investigates Fake Obama Twitter Post

The Secret Service is looking for the hackers who used a Fox News Twitter Account for the Obama death Tweet

14 years ago
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Government Considers Selling GCHQ Security Expertise

The Government's code breaking and eavesdropping service, GCHQ, could do work for hire

14 years ago