Warning sounded about convincing phishing email dubbed the Peter Pan virus, threatening computer users

Warning sounded about convincing phishing email dubbed the Peter Pan virus, threatening computer users
Luton resident Mohammed Khalid Jamil ran a Microsoft support scam out of a call centre in India
DWP on the case after fake job ads raise fears of data theft on the government service
Scammers caught out as the FTC, SOCA and private companies work together
Two men from Manchester and London sentenced for scams that fleeced students
Apple and Amazon lose £1 million, but the crooks are caught and jailed
The US Justice Department is suing AT&T fo failing to act against Nigerian crooks abusing a programme for hearing-impaired users
A fake German law firm is demanding compensation from former Megaupload users for alleged copyright infringement
A new scam claims to sell access to a spying system that lets users monitor other people's smartphones
The Metropolitan Police have busted a phishing ring that defrauded students of £1 million
An email pretending to offer $50 of credit on the iTunes Store could take over a user's system
Scammers are widely using fake domain names that resemble legitimate domains to collect sensitive data
Just days after launch, the scammers have started hitting on Facebook’s video callers with a fake application
A new survey has revealed the true impact from the phone fraudsters who warn users their PCs are at risk
Like sea anglers, professional phishers hope to make their fortunes by patiently using sprats to catch something bigger, says Eric Doyle
Facebook scams are spreading because most users are not warning their friends, according to a new survey
Students arrested on suspicion of using stolen credit cards and bogus PayPal accounts to sell on eBay
Scammers are using call centres to push fake antivirus software, pretending to offer free services
A Sophos report has named the United States as the main culprit, relaying nearly a fifth of the world's spam
Law enforcement officials said the suspect launched two phishing attacks against eBay in 2009
Cyber-criminals are using a complex, innovative scheme to commit widespread check forgery
A rogue anti-virus scam run from a call centres in India threatens to tarnish the reputation of Microsoft's genuine reseller partners in the UK
Police have closed down an operation that uses cold-calls to trick users into paying £185 for "support" they don't need
A magician and a scam expert join the technical security pros in October's RSA Conference in London
Nigerian scam emails are only the "tip of iceberg", law enforcement agencies warn
A new report from the Internet Crime Complaint Centre found the amount of losses from cyber-crime doubled in 2009, with those between the ages of 30-49 hardest hit
The ringleader of a UK-based gang, that made millions by selling counterfeit golf clubs, has been jailed for more than 'fore' years