Facebook's own platforms found to be used in scams related to Libra cryptocurrency, adding to regulatory pressure over the controversial plans

Facebook's own platforms found to be used in scams related to Libra cryptocurrency, adding to regulatory pressure over the controversial plans
Legal action halted after Facebook agrees to introduce scam ads reporting button, and makes financial donation
The group is carrying out targeted financial scams on a large scale, with a hit list of 35,000 chief financial officers in the UK, the US and elsewhere
The message in Mandarin Chinese was part of an ongoing robocall campaign hitting phones around the country
Researchers find an upsurge in scam sites with lookalike international characters in the domain name
Fifteen percent of those affected lost money, with losses ranging from $200 to $400 or more, Microsoft finds
MoneySavingExpert founder Martin Lewis aims to 'give Facebook a bloody nose' for false adverts
Following the attack on Parliament's network two weeks ago MPs were targeted by scam callers in an effort to obtain passwords
An unusually authentic-looking phishing scam attempts to obtain a photo of the target in order to launder stolen funds
WhatsApp hasn't charged a subscription since it was first launched in 2010
A list of well-known restaurants across the US are amongst those affected by the latest mass point-of-sale breach
The move is aimed at tightening security, but users slated the ISP for giving them no warning
Scammers reportedly operating at least three call centres in two Indian cities targeting TalkTalk customers
A developer installed back-doors in online shops and used the details he collected for sophisticated financial fraud, Dutch police say
The fraudsters are able to tailor the content they serve depending on the characteristics shown by the victim
New malware scam urges users to call a number when confronted with a fake blue screen of death
Bank followers on Instagram beware of money-flipping 'epidemic', but photo-sharing platform says scams are "low volume"
ANALYSIS: Recent FCC pressure is resulting in some movement by carriers to try to quell robocalls, but much needs to be done before anyone sees any real relief
Nearly half of consumers targeted by online scams in 2015, with one in ten losing money, Kaspersky report finds
Email from the boss? Better check it is really from the CEO and not a lowly fraudster, warns the FBI
Plenty more phish in the Sea-gate: Employee tricked by fake email from CEO asking for W-2 forms of 'thousands' of past and present Seagate workers
The "Be Like Bill" meme flooding social network newsfeeds is now being targeted by criminals and scammers
LinkedIn users warned to be wary of who they add to their network, after fake profile discovery by Symantec
Cyber criminals want to hijack your computer for financial gain. But how does the scam work and how can you stop them?
Ashley Madison data breach triggers upsurge in spam email, as victims become scammers target
Sophisticated bank transfer cyber scam uses 'advanced social engineering' to fleece US companies
To mark Safer Internet Day, TechWeekEurope has teamed up with Charles Sweeney, CEO of web content filtering firm, Bloxx, to help you surf the Internet safely
Social networking giant responds to user complaints about hoaxes and spam in newsfeeds
‘Naked videos of Facebook friends’ installed Trojan on thousands of PCs
Shoppers need to watch out for iPhones, Playstation 4s and Ugg Boots if they want to stay safe this Christmas, according to Get Safe Online