The trial of white space technology in Cambridge has been declared a success and is being touted as a solution to rural broadband

The trial of white space technology in Cambridge has been declared a success and is being touted as a solution to rural broadband
The House of Lords has revealed a wide range of expert views on the Government's broadband strategy
Hundreds of residents fed up with waiting for fibre broadband have begun digging their own fibre trench
An Oxfordshire village has become the envy of rural Britain after being selected for a all-fibre network
Neul and Carlson have launched the first commercial radio system that uses the 'white space' within the TV broadcast spectrum
BT's ex CTO says the UK is being left behind in the next global industrial revolution
Broadband cooperative offers community chance to invest in local fibre rollout
BT has revealed the details of 73 telephone exchanges in the UK set to be wired up to fibre to the cabinet
The mis-aligned Russian Express AM4 satellite could provide fast access for Antarctic scientists if Polar Broadband can convince the Russians
More residents and businesses on the Isle of Wight will be able to enjoy faster broadband speeds thanks to C4L
SNP politician Alex Neil says Scotland is being “short changed” by the government over broadband funding
North and South Tyneside Councils have missed the BDUK broadband funding deadline, but said they do not need it
BT expands testing of white space technology after confirming it will hold a trial in Cornwall
Ofcom has set the price that BT can charge rivals for access to its network, but the carrier is considering an appeal
uSwitch says much of the UK has broadband speeds "that are more snail’s pace than super-fast"
The House of Lords is to investigate the Government's claims about superfast broadband in the UK
The government has officially warned three English councils that they could lose access to fibre broadband funding
Socitm report says local councils will find it difficult to match BDUK funding required to roll out fibre into broadband not-spots,
Taxpayers' money could be needed to prop up regional broadband infrastructure scheme, as local councils begin an investigation
English councils have until February to submit proposals to receive rural broadband funding
BT has revealed the latest tranche of telephone exchanges in the UK that will be fibre enabled
The Countryside Alliance has hit out at the lack of progress made in rolling out rural broadband
The boss of BT has predicted it will take up to six years to roll out fibre broadband to 90 percent of the UK
The government is unveiling a new infrastructure building programme, with broadband a likely recipient
ViaSat has brought its US satellite broadband service for businesses and launched it in the UK
The Scottish Government has allocated £5m to kickstart rural superfast broadband
Ofcom's boss questioned the need for superfast broadband in a speech about the state of the UK's network
The European Commission has confirmed plans to pump billions into broadband projects across the region
Two wireless specialists promise an affordable white space device for mobile broadband in remote areas
The 4G trial by Everything Everywhere has begun in Cornwall to close rural broadband not-spots