BLOG: Google Eddystone provides open-source Bluetooth LE beacon technology that greatly expands on what Apple's iBeacon system can do for location-based applications

BLOG: Google Eddystone provides open-source Bluetooth LE beacon technology that greatly expands on what Apple's iBeacon system can do for location-based applications
‘Purchases on Google’ will let you buy directly through Google Search ads
Three new bPay devices, including contactless wristband, fob and sticker, go on sale July 1
Applied Technologies arm proves McLaren isn't just a motor racing team
Chinese retail titan announces sale of 11 Main after just a year in operation
8in business tablet also packs in eight-hour battery life to get you through the working day
No need to keep entering login information anymore, thanks to PayPal’s One Touch for Web
Jens Münch tells TechWeekEurope why iZettle is the smaller merchant’s best friend
Reuters survey finds many merchants won’t support the technology, even by 2016
Contactless payments become easier than ever with launch of new Android Pay system
WorldPay’s Kevin Dallas tells TechWeekEurope how the UK is helping evolve a dynamic and growing online payments industry
Card Reader Pro Contactless costs just £79 and supports the likes of Apple Pay
New ‘Dotless Visual Codes’ will breathe new life in retail technology, Alibaba hopes
British shoppers spending more online, particularly via mobile, than ever, as growth hits double digits
Details of how the delivery by drone service will work published by US Patent Office
Electrical titan GE looks to revamp its lighting division with help from tech firms
Gadget lovers who walk into an Apple store to buy an Apple Watch, will be disappointed, company confirms
Consumer spending on mobile devices set to top £53bn a year by 2024, Barclays predicts
Mitchells & Butlers rolls out Microsoft Sharepoint to 1,600 Toby Carvery, Harvester and All Bar One outlets as part of 'digital transformation'
Dash Button lets you order household items when you’re running low
Retailers beware, your PoS terminals could be opening you up to a world of malware, Trustwave tells TechWeekEurope
LEOcoin founders tell TechWeekEurope why their new exchange will transform the way people shop online
PoS terminals in high-street stores are being put at risk, Cisco researchers find
Latest flagship device will be available to pre-order from range of high street stores
Japanese online retailer will team up with Bitnet in order to process cryptocurrency payments
Teams up with Currys PC World for Chromebook, Nexus and Chromecast showroom
Amazon will cash in on more than 300 million active customers on Alibaba's marketplace
Kurt Mueffelmann, CEO at IT security firm Cryptzone, explains how you can optimise Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard compliance (PCI DSS)
First began accepting cryptocurrency in the US in July
iZettle Card Reader Lite lets small businesses accept card payments free of charge