Braintree's Harper Reed says contextual commerce services like PayPal Commerce will help retailers attract and retain custom

Braintree's Harper Reed says contextual commerce services like PayPal Commerce will help retailers attract and retain custom
New digital jobs will be created in Manchester to work on a variety of projects for supermarket giant
New Barclays SmartBusiness project will give half a million SMBs access to customer trends and insights
Locations in the Home Countries will be able to enjoy one or two-hour delivery with Amazon Prime Now
Ecommerce innovation puts the UK way out in front of European rivals when it comes to consumer loyalty, Accenture c;ao,s
Open to everyone, PayPal Credit looks to simplifying the way you pay for big-ticket goods online
Japanese government launches biometric payment scheme to encourage tourists ahead of 2020 Olympic Games
Biometrics technology has been around for a while, now it’s time to utilise it properly, Intelligent Environments CTO tells TechWeekEurope
Alibaba-backed Alipay looks to boost spending by Chinese tourists in Europe
New Verifone Carbon combines software, hardware and rich media to help retailers increase sales
Visa Europe analysis of past six months shows surge in £20-30 spending since new limits came into force
All your daily shopping needs are covered with brands such as Starbucks, Red Bull and Doritos now included in speedy ordering
Suppliers will now be required to keep to abide with proper regulations when selling USB-C devices
Next evolution of Facebook Messenger looks to add direct payments and secret conversations
Patent revealed showing plans for paying via photo or video rather than entering a password
Yesterday's posting was "inaccurate" Microsoft admits
Launch from Starship Technologies will sees robots trialed across the UK this year
Users of PayPal Here SDK look to power up their businesses with better mobile payment functions
New Panasonic ToughPad devices intended for the stock room and shop floor will benefit staff and customers, company says
MasterCard's Johan Lindstrom tells us why Selfie Pay and smart fridges could soon mark a new generation of smart payments
Service allows shoppers to pay without using money, or even getting out their phone to pay
TechWeekEurope finds out how Worldpay is helping make Twickenham's payment process faster than ever for rugby fans
Hundreds of Morrisons products will be available to Amazon customers
Latest expansion sees Amazon expand its fashion presence
New PayPal platform will let merchants put 'buy' buttons in social media, apps, email and adverts in bid to make e-commerce easier
Flaw in eBay custom descriptions could allow for the execution of malicious JavaScript, but no fix appears to be on the horizon
Proposals to introduce ‘m-tickets’ could allow for mobile and smartcard ticket travel across the UK
Drones and delivery options among recruitment drive as Amazon “invests for the future”
Amazon vice president spills the beans on why Prime Air will be the future of delivery
Cloud-based IBM Dynamic Pricing service will let retailers keep up to date with all their competitors