ANALYSIS: The on-line retailing giants long quest to become a major player in the grocery industry is about to come to fruition in a very big way with its proposed $13.7 billion buyout of Whole Foods

ANALYSIS: The on-line retailing giants long quest to become a major player in the grocery industry is about to come to fruition in a very big way with its proposed $13.7 billion buyout of Whole Foods
Salesforce is pushing its Einstein AI platform hard and personalisation is the order of the day
Waitrose Quick Check lets customers scan items as they move around the shop, saving time, boosting sales and giving supermarket richer data to analyse
INTERVIEW: Gumtree UK CTO Bas Anneveld talks cloud, microservices, big data, security and the abolition of top down development
eBay's head of analytics in Europe says big data will change both online and offline retail forever - if you have the right technology and culture
Gumtree UK CTO Bas Anneveld tells our Silicon 360 panel why it used the cloud and what challenges it faced to support developers
Incidents involving the use of drones in nuisance or criminal cases grew twelve-fold in the UK over the past two years, an investigation has found
Square arrives in the UK, helping even the smallest of retailers digitise and accept mobile payments
BT and Co-operative Group agree five year deal to overhaul IT infrastructure and make it simpler and easier to shop. Not to mention free Wi-Fi
INTERVIEW: DFS discusses how Rackspace partnership helps it cope with sale demand and how mobile, VR and AR are the future of sofa buying
A list of well-known restaurants across the US are amongst those affected by the latest mass point-of-sale breach
Partnership will seek to improve the in-store experience for consumers in restaurants and retail stores
The online grocery giant is looking to further push its automation agenda
INTERVIEW: CTO Gary O'Connor explains how a network infrastructure transformation has fuelled the rapid growth of UK-based click & collect service Doddle
Cash taken from 40,000 bank accounts over the weekend, prompting Tesco to halt online transactions
Sainsbury's lack of support for contactless has been noticeable, but the supermarket has confirmed the first stage of rollout
Online retailer Ocado uses a mix of AWS and GCP for its cloud needs so that retail customers of its own Smart Platform aren't deterred by rival Amazon
Boxworks 2016: Amazon CTO Werner Vogels says Amazon has always been a technology company, just one that happens to do retail really well
3D printing is on the verge of becoming a mainstream technology but how will it change your business?
Boots co-develops SalesAssist app for iPad with Apple and IBM, claiming 3,700 tablets will give staff as much information as customers
Bjorn Sjolund, CTO at Walkbase, talks us through his life in IT so far
AmazonFresh now available to Prime customers across London, with nationwide expansion coming soon
Reluctance to introduce new systems could see up to 60,00 British small businesses could face the chop as consumers ditch cash for cards
Recent Android Pay launch spurs awareness of contactless payments in the UK to new high
Dublin-based centre will look to encourage blockchain development and roll out across the financial industry
The simplicity and popularity of contactless will see card payments overtake cash within five years, according to Payment Assocation
NXP FTF: NXP says its first POS system will allow more companies to build contactless payments to tables, TVs and other devices
Barclaycard research claims that managing returns is damaging profits for many British online businesses
One-hour delivery for over 15,000 Items now available for Amazon Prime Members in Leeds
2016 Trustwave Global Security Report reveals shocking cybercrime trends