
UN Adopts First Global Resolution For Artificial Intelligence

The United Nations General Assembly this week unanimously adopts a global resolution on artificial intelligence

9 months ago

UN Resolution Warns of ‘Intrusive’ Digital Spying

Privacy concerns highlighted by UN Committee in wake of mass surveillance and data interception revelations

10 years ago

HTC Cancels 5-Inch Windows Phone And Blames Resolution

HTC has reportedly cancelled a 5-inch Windows Phone 8 smartphone and blamed the OS for screen resolution limitations

12 years ago

Microsoft Declares No Maximum For Windows 8 Screen Resolutions

Microsoft has detailed Windows 8's minimum screen resolutions but claims no maximum specifications - which may worry Apple

13 years ago

Apple Starts The Revolution With An iPad Evolution

Apple's replacement for the iPad 2 raises the stakes in visualisation but that's not a business driver, writes Eric Doyle

13 years ago