Holders of .eu domains based in the UK now have an extra three months to reinstate their domain before it…
British drone pilots have until today to register or risk a £1,000 fine. But will criminals and rogue drone operators…
£1,000 fine if drone pilots, including kids, don't register, pass a theory test and get a £9-a-year licence
Specially-designated domains will offer increased security and visibility for banking organisations
Google, Microsoft and others have signed up to the CSA's Star list of security-compliant cloud providers
Businesses will have until 28 October to buy a .xxx domain for their trademark or opt out altogether
Spiking the guns of its critics, ICANN launches a gTLD system that may add .microsoft and .oracle to .com
A proposal to give the police power to close down websites could put legitimate businesses at risk
The charity responsible for British domain registrations wants to determine what was the first .uk domain in 1985