Iceland's Skyrr takes on the Thor containerised data centre and will sell its services worldwide

Iceland's Skyrr takes on the Thor containerised data centre and will sell its services worldwide
Cutting costs and carbon is critical, but Romonet’s Zahl Limbuwala says the way data centre services are ‘charged back’ is the key
New formula shows how to keep users happy and keep the energy bills low by increasing server utilisation
PUE and other efficiency measures are useful, but data centre owners are chasing money now, says Peter Judge
Users will be able to compare data centre efficiency using an online tool from the Green Grid
Container-based data centres are popular, but Verne Global went with bigger modules in Iceland
Google is biased, but it has put together a strong argument for saving money and energy in the cloud, says Peter Judge
Vertical air cooling improved French designers' energy efficiency - and inspired the name of their data centre
The Data Furnace is a tiny data centre that could heat your house. Peter Judge is not immediately convinced
Small micro-data centres could help to heat homes and run cloud services, says Microsoft
Yorkshire Water is set to save itself £90,000 a year thanks to a new data centre incorporating green tech
Data centre operators should be more open about their energy use, according to Greenpeace
A new way to measure efficiency for data centre servers seems to duplicate and misrepresent other measures, says Peter Judge
Power Assure says PAR4 measures how much work your servers do. Doesn't SPECpower already do that?
Energy efficient data centres are complex. But the information about them needs to be as simple to read as food labels, says Peter Judge
A Greenpeace advert aims to shame Facebook into giving up coal-fired electricity in its data centres
The Green Grid's Maturity Model could be a useful tool, but let's give it time to mature, says Peter Judge
In its Data Centre Maturity Model, the Green Grid adds servers and storage to its power and cooling concerns
Even the most efficient data centre has a carbon footprint, dependent on its source of electricity, says Peter Judge
Greenpeace wants Facebook to pledge on Earth Day, to become coal-free by 2021
When Facebook fell out with Greenpeace over coal-fired power, the new Green Grid measurement might have helped sort things out, says Peter Judge
Alongside PUE to measure power efficiency, the Green Grid now has CUE to measure carbon use
Energy related costs now make up 12 percent of data centre expenditure, Gartner has found, and things will get worse
The number one way to cut IT's carbon footprint is to switch off PCs overnight, say eWEEK readers. Our next poll - your top gadget!
Greenpeace's campaign unfairly targets Facebook's very efficient data centre. But, Peter Judge asks, is changing behaviour about fairness?
Greenpeace may not "Like" it, but the Oregon data centre is more efficient where it is, says Facebook
Sustainability will be 'critical' to businesses, bringing cash savings as well as carbon cuts, according to Capgemini
The PUE efficiency measure is barely three years old but may be obsolete, says Andrew Donoghue - but it's the best green data centre metric we have for now
The UK Environment agency is using Capgemini's Swindon data centre, claimed to be the world's greenest with a PUE of 1.08
Modular data centres can be delivered quickly by road just like container DCs says Akber Jaffer. But unlike their temporary counterparts, can last ten years or more and scale to hundreds of metres